これは、このセクションの複数ページの印刷可能なビューです。 印刷するには、ここをクリックしてください.
1 - Alibaba CloudでKubernetesを動かす
Alibaba Cloud Container Service
Alibaba Cloud Container ServiceはAlibaba Cloud ECSインスタンスのクラスター上もしくはサーバーレスの形態でDockerアプリケーションを起動して管理します。著名なオープンソースのコンテナオーケストレーターであるDocker SwarmおよびKubernetesをサポートしています。
クラスターの構築と管理を簡素化するために、Alibaba Cloud Container ServiceのためのKubernetesサポートを使用します。Kubernetes walk-throughに従ってすぐに始めることができ、中国語のAlibaba CloudにおけるKubernetesサポートのためのチュートリアルもあります。
Alibaba Cloudプロバイダーが実装されたKubernetesのソースコードはオープンソースであり、GitHubから入手可能です。
さらなる情報は英語のKubernetesのクイックデプロイメント - Alibaba CloudのVPC環境をご覧下さい。
2 - AWS EC2上でKubernetesを動かす
Kubernetes Operations - プロダクショングレードなKubernetesのインストール、アップグレード、管理が可能です。AWS上のDebian、Ubuntu、CentOS、RHELをサポートしています。
kube-aws EC2、CloudFormation、Auto Scalingを使用して、Flatcar LinuxノードでKubernetesクラスターを作成および管理します。
コマンドライン管理ツール: kubectl
# macOS
export PATH=<path/to/kubernetes-directory>/platforms/darwin/amd64:$PATH
# Linux
export PATH=<path/to/kubernetes-directory>/platforms/linux/amd64:$PATH
ツールに関する最新のドキュメントページはこちらです: kubectl manual
詳細な情報は、kubeconfig filesを参照してください。
"Guestbook"アプリケーションは、Kubernetesを始めるもう一つのポピュラーな例です: guestbookの例
を使用したノードの追加および削除はサポートしていません。インストール中に作成されたAuto Scaling Group内の'Desired'および'Max'プロパティを手動で調整することで、ノード数をスケールさせることができます。
IaaS プロバイダー | 構成管理 | OS | ネットワーク | ドキュメント | 適合 | サポートレベル |
AWS | kops | Debian | k8s (VPC) | docs | Community (@justinsb) | |
AWS | CoreOS | CoreOS | flannel | - | Community | |
AWS | Juju | Ubuntu | flannel, calico, canal | - | 100% | Commercial, Community |
AWS | KubeOne | Ubuntu, CoreOS, CentOS | canal, weavenet | docs | 100% | Commercial, Community |
3 - Azure 上で Kubernetes を動かす
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Kubernetes Serviceは、Kubernetesクラスターのためのシンプルなデプロイ機能を提供します。
Azure Kubernetes Serviceを利用してAzure上にKubernetesクラスターをデプロイする例:
Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service
デプロイのカスタマイズ: AKS-Engine
Azure Kubernetes Serviceのコア部分はオープンソースであり、コミュニティのためにGitHub上で公開され、利用およびコントリビュートすることができます: AKS-Engine。レガシーな ACS-Engine のコードベースはAKS-engineのために廃止となりました。
AKS-Engineは、Azure Kubernetes Serviceが公式にサポートしている機能を超えてデプロイをカスタマイズしたい場合に適した選択肢です。 既存の仮想ネットワークへのデプロイや、複数のagent poolを利用するなどのカスタマイズをすることができます。 コミュニティによるAKS-Engineへのコントリビュートが、Azure Kubernetes Serviceに組み込まれる場合もあります。
AKS-Engineへの入力は、Kubernetesクラスターを記述するapimodelのJSONファイルです。これはAzure Kubernetes Serviceを使用してクラスターを直接デプロイするために使用されるAzure Resource Manager (ARM) のテンプレート構文と似ています。 処理結果はARMテンプレートとして出力され、ソース管理に組み込んだり、AzureにKubernetesクラスターをデプロイするために使うことができます。
AKS-Engine Kubernetes Tutorial を参照して始めることができます。
Azure上でCoreOS Tectonicを動かす
Azureで利用できるCoreOS Tectonic Installerはオープンソースであり、コミュニティのためにGitHub上で公開され、利用およびコントリビュートすることができます: Tectonic Installer.
Tectonic Installerは、 Hashicorp が提供する TerraformのAzure Resource Manager(ARM)プロバイダーを用いてクラスターをカスタマイズしたい場合に適した選択肢です。 これを利用することにより、Terraformと親和性の高いツールを使用してカスタマイズしたり連携したりすることができます。
Tectonic Installer for Azure Guideを参照して、すぐに始めることができます。
4 - Google Compute Engine上でKubernetesを動かす
The example below creates a Kubernetes cluster with 3 worker node Virtual Machines and a master Virtual Machine (i.e. 4 VMs in your cluster). This cluster is set up and controlled from your workstation (or wherever you find convenient).
If you want a simplified getting started experience and GUI for managing clusters, please consider trying Google Kubernetes Engine for hosted cluster installation and management.
For an easy way to experiment with the Kubernetes development environment, click the button below to open a Google Cloud Shell with an auto-cloned copy of the Kubernetes source repo.
If you want to use custom binaries or pure open source Kubernetes, please continue with the instructions below.
- You need a Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled. Visit the Google Developers Console for more details.
- Install
as necessary.gcloud
can be installed as a part of the Google Cloud SDK. - Enable the Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API in the Google Cloud developers console.
- Make sure that gcloud is set to use the Google Cloud Platform project you want. You can check the current project using
gcloud config list project
and change it viagcloud config set project <project-id>
. - Make sure you have credentials for GCloud by running
gcloud auth login
. - (Optional) In order to make API calls against GCE, you must also run
gcloud auth application-default login
. - Make sure you can start up a GCE VM from the command line. At least make sure you can do the Create an instance part of the GCE Quickstart.
- Make sure you can SSH into the VM without interactive prompts. See the Log in to the instance part of the GCE Quickstart.
You can install a client and start a cluster with either one of these commands (we list both in case only one is installed on your machine):
curl -sS https://get.k8s.io | bash
wget -q -O - https://get.k8s.io | bash
Once this command completes, you will have a master VM and four worker VMs, running as a Kubernetes cluster.
By default, some containers will already be running on your cluster. Containers like fluentd
provide logging, while heapster
provides monitoring services.
The script run by the commands above creates a cluster with the name/prefix "kubernetes". It defines one specific cluster config, so you can't run it more than once.
Alternately, you can download and install the latest Kubernetes release from this page, then run the <kubernetes>/cluster/kube-up.sh
script to start the cluster:
cd kubernetes
If you want more than one cluster running in your project, want to use a different name, or want a different number of worker nodes, see the <kubernetes>/cluster/gce/config-default.sh
file for more fine-grained configuration before you start up your cluster.
If you run into trouble, please see the section on troubleshooting, post to the
Kubernetes Forum, or come ask questions on #gke
Slack channel.
The next few steps will show you:
- How to set up the command line client on your workstation to manage the cluster
- Examples of how to use the cluster
- How to delete the cluster
- How to start clusters with non-default options (like larger clusters)
The cluster startup script will leave you with a running cluster and a kubernetes
directory on your workstation.
The kubectl tool controls the Kubernetes cluster manager. It lets you inspect your cluster resources, create, delete, and update components, and much more. You will use it to look at your new cluster and bring up example apps.
You can use gcloud
to install the kubectl
command-line tool on your workstation:
gcloud components install kubectl
may be older than the one
The kubectl tool controls the Kubernetes cluster
document to see how you can set up the latest kubectl
on your workstation.クラスターの始まり
Once kubectl
is in your path, you can use it to look at your cluster. E.g., running:
kubectl get --all-namespaces services
should show a set of services that look something like this:
default kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 1d
kube-system kube-dns ClusterIP <none> 53/TCP,53/UDP 1d
kube-system kube-ui ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 1d
Similarly, you can take a look at the set of pods that were created during cluster startup. You can do this via the
kubectl get --all-namespaces pods
You'll see a list of pods that looks something like this (the name specifics will be different):
kube-system coredns-5f4fbb68df-mc8z8 1/1 Running 0 15m
kube-system fluentd-cloud-logging-kubernetes-minion-63uo 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-system fluentd-cloud-logging-kubernetes-minion-c1n9 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-system fluentd-cloud-logging-kubernetes-minion-c4og 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-system fluentd-cloud-logging-kubernetes-minion-ngua 1/1 Running 0 14m
kube-system kube-ui-v1-curt1 1/1 Running 0 15m
kube-system monitoring-heapster-v5-ex4u3 1/1 Running 1 15m
kube-system monitoring-influx-grafana-v1-piled 2/2 Running 0 15m
Some of the pods may take a few seconds to start up (during this time they'll show Pending
), but check that they all show as Running
after a short period.
Then, see a simple nginx example to try out your new cluster.
For more complete applications, please look in the examples directory. The guestbook example is a good "getting started" walkthrough.
To remove/delete/teardown the cluster, use the kube-down.sh
cd kubernetes
Likewise, the kube-up.sh
in the same directory will bring it back up. You do not need to rerun the curl
or wget
command: everything needed to setup the Kubernetes cluster is now on your workstation.
The script above relies on Google Storage to stage the Kubernetes release. It
then will start (by default) a single master VM along with 3 worker VMs. You
can tweak some of these parameters by editing kubernetes/cluster/gce/config-default.sh
You can view a transcript of a successful cluster creation
You need to have the Google Cloud Storage API, and the Google Cloud Storage JSON API enabled. It is activated by default for new projects. Otherwise, it can be done in the Google Cloud Console. See the Google Cloud Storage JSON API Overview for more details.
Also ensure that-- as listed in the Prerequisites section-- you've enabled the Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API
, and can start up a GCE VM from the command line as in the GCE Quickstart instructions.
If the Kubernetes startup script hangs waiting for the API to be reachable, you can troubleshoot by SSHing into the master and node VMs and looking at logs such as /var/log/startupscript.log
Once you fix the issue, you should run kube-down.sh
to cleanup after the partial cluster creation, before running kube-up.sh
to try again.
If you're having trouble SSHing into your instances, ensure the GCE firewall
isn't blocking port 22 to your VMs. By default, this should work but if you
have edited firewall rules or created a new non-default network, you'll need to
expose it: gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-ssh --network=<network-name> --description "SSH allowed from anywhere" --allow tcp:22
Additionally, your GCE SSH key must either have no passcode or you need to be
using ssh-agent
The instances must be able to connect to each other using their private IP. The
script uses the "default" network which should have a firewall rule called
"default-allow-internal" which allows traffic on any port on the private IPs.
If this rule is missing from the default network or if you change the network
being used in cluster/config-default.sh
create a new rule with the following
field values:
- Source Ranges:
- Allowed Protocols and Port:
IaaS Provider | Config. Mgmt | OS | Networking | Docs | Conforms | Support Level |
GCE | Saltstack | Debian | GCE | docs | Project |
5 - IBM Cloud Privateを使ってマルチクラウドでKubernetesを動かす
IBM® Cloud Private is a turnkey cloud solution and an on-premises turnkey cloud solution. IBM Cloud Private delivers pure upstream Kubernetes with the typical management components that are required to run real enterprise workloads. These workloads include health management, log management, audit trails, and metering for tracking usage of workloads on the platform.
IBM Cloud Private is available in a community edition and a fully supported enterprise edition. The community edition is available at no charge from Docker Hub. The enterprise edition supports high availability topologies and includes commercial support from IBM for Kubernetes and the IBM Cloud Private management platform. If you want to try IBM Cloud Private, you can use either the hosted trial, the tutorial, or the self-guided demo. You can also try the free community edition. For details, see Get started with IBM Cloud Private.
For more information, explore the following resources:
IBM Cloud PrivateとTerraform
The following modules are available where you can deploy IBM Cloud Private by using Terraform:
- AWS: Deploy IBM Cloud Private to AWS
- Azure: Deploy IBM Cloud Private to Azure
- IBM Cloud: Deploy IBM Cloud Private cluster to IBM Cloud
- OpenStack: Deploy IBM Cloud Private to OpenStack
- Terraform module: Deploy IBM Cloud Private on any supported infrastructure vendor
- VMware: Deploy IBM Cloud Private to VMware
AWS上でのIBM Cloud Private
You can deploy an IBM Cloud Private cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Terraform.
IBM Cloud Private can also run on the AWS cloud platform by using Terraform. To deploy IBM Cloud Private in an AWS EC2 environment, see Installing IBM Cloud Private on AWS.
Azure上でのIBM Cloud Private
You can enable Microsoft Azure as a cloud provider for IBM Cloud Private deployment and take advantage of all the IBM Cloud Private features on the Azure public cloud. For more information, see IBM Cloud Private on Azure.
Red Hat OpenShiftを用いたIBM Cloud Private
You can deploy IBM certified software containers that are running on IBM Cloud Private onto Red Hat OpenShift.
Integration capabilities:
- Supports Linux® 64-bit platform in offline-only installation mode
- Single-master configuration
- Integrated IBM Cloud Private cluster management console and catalog
- Integrated core platform services, such as monitoring, metering, and logging
- IBM Cloud Private uses the OpenShift image registry
For more information see, IBM Cloud Private on OpenShift.
VirtualBox上でのIBM Cloud Private
To install IBM Cloud Private to a VirtualBox environment, see Installing IBM Cloud Private on VirtualBox.
VMware上でのIBM Cloud Private
You can install IBM Cloud Private on VMware with either Ubuntu or RHEL images. For details, see the following projects:
The IBM Cloud Private Hosted service automatically deploys IBM Cloud Private Hosted on your VMware vCenter Server instances. This service brings the power of microservices and containers to your VMware environment on IBM Cloud. With this service, you can extend the same familiar VMware and IBM Cloud Private operational model and tools from on-premises into the IBM Cloud.
For more information, see IBM Cloud Private Hosted service.